Delicious Lemon Ginger Tea –

There are many times when a warm, flavorful cup of tea is exactly what you need. You don’t actually need a tea bag in order to make a delicious tea. You can make an incredible tea using lemon, ginger, honey and hot water. We do add one more secret ingredient to make our lemon ginger tea even more amazing. Want to know more? Then keep reading!

Delicious Lemon Ginger Tea –

What Does Ginger Taste Like?

Fresh ginger has a very unique and powerful taste. It is spicy, fragrant and a little bit sweet. It has a warm bite than many people love but others may find a little too overwhelming.

Definitely use fresh grated ginger in our lemon ginger tea recipe as it is very, very different than dried, ground ginger. Dried ginger is very mellow and not nearly as flavorful. While dried ginger is good in baking and cooking, it is not as good to use in a tea recipe like this.

You want that fresh ginger taste and also all the health benefits that come along with fresh ginger. Which brings us to our next point…

Is Ginger Healthy?

Ginger is incredibly healthy. Like super, duper healthy. There are so many health benefits to eating and drinking ginger that we can’t even list them all but here are our favorite few.

There are even more amazing benefits to ginger but we would need to write an entire book to cover it all. But you get the idea- ginger is great! It is fabulous. It is so healthy that you really can’t go wrong.

Lemon Ginger Tea Ingredients

Ingredients for Lemon Ginger Tea

Simple ingredients are key to this ginger and lemon tea recipe. Simple is best. Simple tastes great. Here is what you need:

  • Freshly grated ginger– You can find ginger root in most grocery stores. You need to peel the ginger root first, removing the papery brown skin. Use a fine grater to grate the ginger into a small bowl. You will need about ½ inch of ginger root to get enough grated ginger for this recipe. A little bit goes a long way!
  • Lemon Wedges– we use fresh lemon wedges to make our ginger lemon tea. Just like fresh ginger, fresh lemon is tasty and powerful. One lemon will give you about 8 good sized wedges. You can squeeze each wedge before you add it to the mug or you can keep the wedge whole. The hot water will extract a whole lot of flavor without even needing to squeeze.
  • Hot Water– Just as you need hot water to make regular tea with a tea bag, you also need hot water to make our lemon ginger tea recipe. Boil the water on the stove in a tea pot or small saucepan and then pour it into the mug. The water will cool to be drinkable while the tea steeps.
  • Honey– Ginger and lemon are both very strong. Ginger can be bitter and lemon can be quite tart. Adding some honey is a great way to mellow the flavors a little bit and make the drink sweeter.
  • Vanilla Extract– Vanilla is our little secret ingredient in this tea recipe. It really makes a huge difference in the flavor of the drink. While you can choose to skip the vanilla, adding it will make the drink richer, more complex and a whole lot more interesting.

Simple stuff, right? But delicious stuff. This is a tea that you are all going to enjoy. You are going to enjoy making it, drinking it and then enjoy all the health benefits afterward.

How to Make Ginger Lemon Tea

Making homemade tea is very simple. It is almost as easy as making tea using a tea bag. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Grate fresh ginger into a mug and add two lemon wedges.
  2. Pour hot water into the mug, give the mix a quick stir then let the tea sit for 5 minutes. This allows the flavors to grow and get stronger in the hot water.
  3. Stir in the honey and vanilla then enjoy!

While we usually opt to keep the grated ginger and lemon wedges in the glass, you can choose to strain the tea after it steeps. Straining it will remove the ginger pieces and make the tea crystal clear. To strain or not to strain, the choice is yours! The lemon ginger tea will be delicious either way.

Next time you need a warm and soothing drink, reach for this lemon ginger tea recipe. It will warm you up, help you relax, and give you a nutritional boost. It doesn’t get any better than that!

You Asked, We’re Answering

Do you have questions about our delicious drinks? You can always leave your questions in the comment section below! We will try to answer ASAP. In the meantime, take a look at these FAQs and answers and see if we answer any of your questions here.

What is lemon and ginger tea good for?

Lemon and ginger tea is great for reducing inflammation, nausea and even muscle soreness. Many people drink ginger lemon tea to help with headaches, menstrual pain and arthritis pain. Besides being a medically beneficial drink, it is also super tasty to drink. It will warm up your belly quite quickly!

How often should you drink ginger lemon tea?

Lemon ginger tea is very natural. You can drink up to three cups a day without any issues. Drinking this much lemon ginger tea will definitely help you feel the effects of the drink. If you are looking for ginger lemon tea to help you with ailments, try to drink it three times a day to really get all the benefits.

How does ginger detox the body?

Ginger is great for cleansing your system. Eating lots of ginger will stimulate your digestion, improve circulation and it can even make you sweat, getting out toxins through your skin. The digestive benefits of ginger can help remove waste and buildup in the liver, colon and other major organs.

Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe

Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe

Recipe by


  • Place the fresh grated ginger in a mug along with the two lemon wedges.
  • Pour the hot water into the mug then stir briefly and let the tea steep for 5 minutes.
  • Stir in the honey and vanilla then drink the tea while hot.

Tips and Tricks

  • • Strain the tea after steeping to remove the ginger pieces and lemon. The tea will still have lots of flavor but will be smoother.
    • Skip the honey and vanilla for a detox tea
  • Tools:
    • Measuring spoons
    • Measuring cup
    • Mug
    • Grater
    • Tea pot or small saucepan for boiling water
    • Spoon

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